Kollege Wolfgang Erbe informiert: Kumpel tötlich verunglückt – Theater der Bosse zum Steinkohlebergbau-Aus ist widerlich! / Erzählt wird eine Revolutionäre Weihnachtsheschichte!

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

soeben erreicht uns als Gewerkschafter/Innen-Arbeitskreis (AK) ein Info-Potpourri des Kollegen olfgang Erbe (http://www.ak-gewerkschafter.de/?s=wolfgang+erbe).

Darin berichtet Wolfgang üner folgende Themen:

„Kumpel tötlich verunglückt – Prominenz und Theater der Bosse zum auslaufen des Steinkohlebergbaues in Deutschland – einfach widerlich!“

„Revolutionäre Weihnachtsgeschichte – Squidward smashes the bourgeoisie!“

Wir haben das komplette Info-Potpourri nachstehend zu Eurer gefälligen Kenntnisnahme auf unsere Homepage gepostet.

Für den AK Manni Engelhardt -Koordinator-


Kollege Wolfgang rbe informiert:

Kumpel tödlich verunglückt – Prominenz und Theater der Bosse zum auslaufen des Steinkohlebergbaues in Deutschland – einfach widerlich + Revolutionäre Weihnachtsgeschichte – Squidward smashes the bourgeoisie
Lohnsklaverei – tödlich
Prominenz und Theater der Bosse zum auslaufen des Steinkohlebergbaues in Deutschland – einfach widerlich
+++ Kumpel tödlich verunglückt +++
In dem bereits geschlossenen Bergwerk Zeche Ibbenbüren ist ein 29-Jähriger tödlich verunglückt. Nur wenige Tage vor dem offiziellen Ende des deutschen Steinkohlebergbaus verstarb der Industriemechaniker bei Arbeiten zur Nachbereitung.


Russland – Rettungskräfte ohne Chance

Arbeiter sterben bei Brand in Bergwerk

17 Menschen befinden sich in der Grube eines russischen Kalibergwerks. Aus bislang unbekannter Ursache bricht ein Feuer aus. Hohe Temperaturen und starker Rauch schneiden vielen Arbeitern den Fluchtweg ab.

Die Zahl der Toten beim Brand in einem Kalibergwerk in Russland ist weiter gestiegen. Am Sonntagmittag wurde die Leiche eines weiteren Arbeiters entdeckt, wie die Behörden der Region Perm und Rettungskräfte laut russischen Medien mitteilten. Damit kamen bei dem Unglück am Samstag neun Menschen ums Leben. Acht tote Arbeiter waren bereits in der Nacht in verschiedenen Trakten des Stollens gefunden worden.



Grubenunglück in Tschechien 13 Arbeiter sterben bei Gasexplosion

The Newest Species: Dermophis Donaldtrumpi

Squidward smashes the bourgeoisie


Squid on Strike


It was Squidward Tentacles, in season two, episode 40, titled: “Squid on Strike”, that aired in 2001, who organized the masses, including Spongebob, to go on strike against Eugene Krabs, who had attempted to cut their already minimal pay and charge them for doing things like breathing on the job.

In this episode, Spongebob, who was ignorant to the meaning of strike, was devastated finding out he was no longer able to work for the ruling class!

Squidward had to persuade him through political education to stick it through to the end; he even helped Spongebob with demonstration chants such as “Krusty Krabs is unfair! Mr. Krabs is in there! Standing at the concession, plotting his oppression!” to which Spongebob is credited for to this day, with the help of anti-communist historical revisionism.

Comrade Tentacles was never recognized for his courageous leadership in organizing this powerful worker’s strike. Instead his work was overshadowed by the charismatic personality of Spongebob Squarepants.


As the victory of the strike appeared on the horizon, with Eugene Krabs officially ready to make a concession to the demands of the workers, Spongebob sabotaged it all by engaging in anarchist individualism, taking it upon himself without bringing it to leadership, to vandalize the Krusty Krab establishment in the dead of night. This caused for Eugene to not only take back his offer, but required both Squidward and Spongebob to work twice as hard without pay to restore the damages.

We must not fall for the anti-communist propaganda

It is no surprise that one of the most loveable cartoon characters on the planet is actually anti-communist in actions.

The main character and protagonist, as portrayed by the ruling class is Spongebob, and we should all be familiar with the ruling class tactic to put forward the antagonist of the workers as the victor or the “good guy”.

It is no coincidence that Squidward, the closest voice resembling that of the working class proletariat, is portrayed as a character meant for resentment.

There are no workers under capitalism who express such enthusiasm to advance the capitalist project unless they are an enemy to the proletariat.

Or their name is Spongebob Squarepants. In this case, it’s both.

One thing we know, however, is that this show doesn’t represent the struggle that we are confronted with out here in the real world.

That the struggle is not a workers vs. bosses issue, which is a common argument of the white left, but one of the colonizer vs. the colonized; the seizing of power by the African working class for control of our stolen labor and resources.

What is not portrayed with Spongebob or Squidward, is the colonial question, to which the class question is found. We know that without the colonization of African people, there would be no class question, and without the existence of the colonized African there would be no “white worker”.

Or fictitious working marine animals for that matter.

Smash the bourgeoisie!

Down with capitalism!

Communism will prevail!


What – international solidarity?

GEDULD – bis zum Ende gucken!

 Wolfgang Erbe

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