WeMove.EU fordert die SUPERREICHEN auf, bei ihrem Versprechen zur Finanzierung der CORONA-HYSTERIE-Folgen bleiben zu wollen! Zur Besteuerungszusage hat die Organisation eine Kampage gestartet!

Civil society representatives including Greenpeace deliver a 1.3 million signature petition to EU leaders in Brussels, calling for a green and just recovery

On 17 July 2020, European leaders met in Brussels to decide on a coronavirus recovery package, and civil society representatives handed over a petition, signed by over 1,300,000 Europeans, calling for taxpayers’ money to fund a just and green recovery, not polluters. Representatives of Avaaz, Greenpeace and Transport & Environment, on behalf of the Green10, handed over the petition, holding banners reading “Our money – our future” and “1,367,397 for a green and just recovery” in multiple languages, against a backdrop of 30 bags of cash to symbolise the €1.85 trillion that are on the table.

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